So the big problem I have with Mr. Barack Obama is this............
I'd rather have the next president of the United States be influenced and corrupted by selfish, greedy lobbyists, than by anti-American, radicals.
Obama has had so many strange connections with radical people, it scares me.
So let us list the suspicious characters from his past...
Jeremiah Wright-
white people hater/preacher,
which Mr. Obama says he has had dinners in his home with and has known for 20 years and went to his church regularly.
My question is how can you hear his demeaning sermons for YEARS and not be influenced, oh and if he didn't agree with his teachings why did he keep going? Oh sorry, he did renounce him after his campaign started, my bad.
Quoting from an article in the Chicago Tribune......"Obama says that rather than advising him on strategy, Wright helps keep his priorities straight and his moral compass calibrated.
"What I value most about Pastor Wright is not his day-to-day political advice," Obama said. "He’s much more of a sounding board for me to make sure that I am speaking as truthfully about what I believe as possible and that I’m not losing myself in some of the hype and hoopla and stress that’s involved in national politics."
"What I value most about Pastor Wright is not his day-to-day political advice," Obama said. "He’s much more of a sounding board for me to make sure that I am speaking as truthfully about what I believe as possible and that I’m not losing myself in some of the hype and hoopla and stress that’s involved in national politics."
Um, I don't even know what to say......he takes advice from someone who preaches "No black woman will ever be considered for anything outside of what she can give with her body, Racism is how this country was founded, and how this country is still run, We believe in white supremacy and black inferiority. And believe it more than we believe in God, We care nothing about human life, if the end justifies the means....." Quoted directly from him......remember this man keeps Obama's "moral compass calibrated"!!!!!!
William Ayres-
he bombed the pentagon and is considered and unrepentant terrorist, Obama launched his campaign in his living room....they must have been pretty tight.
Bill cofounded a radical left organization called Weather Underground, which organized the bombing of public buildings jailbreaks and riots in the 1960's and 70's
Frank Marshall Davis-
a former communist who mentored him in high school, (perhaps taking the role of his deceased father growing up) and taught him all about the "wonderful world" of socialism, and Mr. Obama mentions him in his biography but somehow fails to mention he is a former communist and only refers to him as Frank.
Just one terrifying quote from Accuracy in Media,
"The record shows that Obama was in Hawaii from 1971-1979, where, at some point in time, he developed a close relationship, almost like a son, with Davis, listening to his "poetry" and getting advice on his career path. But Obama, in his book, Dreams From My Father, refers to him repeatedly as just "Frank."
The reason is apparent: Davis was a known communist who belonged to a party subservient to the Soviet Union. In fact, the 1951 report of the Commission on Subversive Activities to the Legislature of the Territory of Hawaii identified him as a CPUSA member. What's more, anti-communist congressional committees, including the House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC), accused Davis of involvement in several communist-front organizations. "
The reason is apparent: Davis was a known communist who belonged to a party subservient to the Soviet Union. In fact, the 1951 report of the Commission on Subversive Activities to the Legislature of the Territory of Hawaii identified him as a CPUSA member. What's more, anti-communist congressional committees, including the House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC), accused Davis of involvement in several communist-front organizations. "
Am I the only one who is hearing this? That alone is enough to make me run in fear!
a corporation who, yes have done some good things, but also really bad things that other, just as good, companies haven't resorted to,anyways....
For instance knowingly registering illegal aliens to vote and protested at banks demanding them to give loans to "all" people, namely black, poor people. Calling the banks lack of service, discrimination. I call it running a bank. That means only giving loans to those who can qualify for them regardless of age, race, or religion.....
so Mr. Obama's role in this?, supporting them with millions of dollars and helping with the bank protesting.
He was their lawyer once for one past incident also. .
And on Hannity and Colmes they said, every single politician knows ACORN is corrupt; knows it.
Oh and did you know that you cannot, it is impossible, to get any information about his activities, directly from his college years at Columbia, and Harvard. And it is the same story in trying to see his thesis too. I wonder what he wrote about? And why does he not allow the universities to release that information and refuse to answer any questions himself on the matter? We have a right to know!
My thinking is, anybody can take a look at any part, no, let me say detail, of my life. Why? Because I have nothing to be ashamed of. No I'm not perfect and have done things that I'd rather not mention, but are they so bad that sharing it could ruin my life? No!
Barack Obama needs to be an open book in order to gain my trust!
and come on
it's not like I love John McCain or anything, and I know he says things to get gain and has voted one way or another to possibly promote his agenda or lobbyists. He is no angel himself........
but at least with him I don't have to worry that some terrorist, communist, evil, person has planted anti-American ideas in his head!
I am to the point, where I don't even care about each candidates, policy anymore. The fact that Mr. Obama has these people in his history, greatly concerns me. No matter how small the connection, it is there. Why doesn't Mr. McCain have any people like this coming up in connection with him? I'm sure he has someone questionable in his past too,
but lets put it on a scale from one to 10......communist, terrorist, people-10, selfish American, money hungry, people-8
The law of the harvest says if a seed is good it will yield good fruit and if it is poor, poor fruit. Well it is the same with people. That is the reason I can say I don't care about policy any more. If the person is good, he will try to do what is right and of course might get side tracked here and there and make mistakes but in the end, he is a good person. I fear Mr. Obama, from influence, is a poor seed that will only yield poor fruit. I'm not saying he is an evil man, he probably genuinely feels he is doing what he is right, but his sense of right and wrong comes from people who are radicals.
Let me make one thing clear, I don't care how inaccurate, you claim these people, or situations to be. I care that they are coming up period, people can't pull everything, out of thin air, some things yes, but not every single person and mysterious relationship can the media materialize into existence.
I mean it has happened time and time again. It is like seeing the same horror movie, over and over again.
So once again, if I have to choose, I'd rather have the next president of the United States be someone corrupted by greedy, selfish, lobbyists, than by anti-American radicals.
With Barack Obama you just don't know what you are going to get.
So basically John McCain is the lesser of two my long opinion. :)