Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Perfectly Blissful!!!!

Check out this blog, it is hilarious..........and by the way, every single bit of it is drenched with satire. Sadly every bit of it is true.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Is change good or bad?

random....uncle "bwy-ya" (Brian geeze)

So here I am, it's 10:58 pm, I'm all alone, and I'm afraid this night is the beginning of many moons to come. It's my fate for the next year of my life.....make that the next few years. What the heck am I talking about, you ask? Well Chris started his new job last week. His new job requires traveling, lots of traveling, overnight traveling, road trips, airplane rides, traveling near and far. He will be gone tomorrow night again, then next week he will be gone in north Carolina for a week then he is home for a week then he leaves once again for another 3 days. You might as well call me a single mother. My poor children don' t even recognize their own father anymore.......SIGH........ok fine I'm being a little dramatic (not about his schedule though). No but seriously, Chris got a new job, he is now selling heart monitors to hospitals in Nevada and Arizona. Its a great opportunity, and we knew it would entail this amount of travel. It is suppose to be the worst in the beginning because the training is all over the place, and get better with time, I'm referring to the traveling of course. We decided if it's too much for me to handle and it is effecting the boys too much then he'll quit. I can say with absolute confidence that Chris would quit his job in a heart beat if I told him it was taking away from our family too much. So this is why I complain to everyone this is my delima.....On the pro side this job is a good career move, he enjoys it WAY MORE (so far, but it is still very promising), in two years he will make more money (right now he is on a guaranteed pay which is the same amount as the previous job), but the big con is the over night traveling. So I said go for it. Let me tell you something about my husband....he is never satisfied with himself, he is very driven and always looking for better opportunities. So I've always known that this "more demanding job" was in my future and I figured better now than later when the kids aren't asking "why isn't dad at my game?" Plus he now actually likes his job. How can I say no to that? I'm always the one holding him back from his full potential because I don't want to share him. But I guess not this time. we have just gotten so comfortable with life, it's nice, I never had that growing up, I mean the lack of change, always moving you see, do things always have to change?